Roberto Ramirez!
Actually this site is all about you, you, you! What good is putting out your best if nobody is invited to see it? You can’t have show and tell all by yourself! This is my way of giving back to you. As you expected, art and illustration are my passion, so it is no surprise that creative environments are what I thrive in. Since I was young until this very day; the need to create and problem solve have always been at my fingertips. There is always a way and a reason to make things better, cleaner, crisper and more aesthetically pleasing. Call it a competitive spirit or maybe even a little bit right brain and left brain. These are the things that I look forward to as a daily challenge, and I feel great when I’ve accomplished my goals…and so it goes without saying how thankful and blessed I am for my abilities to create with my God given talent.
Through Him all things are possible.
Matthew 19:26